When you have access to lots of booking sites and apps, why pay for someone to plan your travel?
When you book on Expedia or directly with a hotel, you’re just a reservation number. When I book your travel, I contact my partners at your hotel or resort to request special arrangements, let them know you’re coming, and get you the best upgrades possible.
Global internet outages? Grounded planes? Terrible weather? No matter what happens, I’m the one on hold with the airline and working behind-the-scenes to re-book you and sort out all of your travel for you.
I have personal connections in practically every city, which means you get inside access to the hottest new restaurants, best activities, and secret “local only” knowledge for your best trip ever.
Having your own travel advisor is kind of an awesome flex. You get to enjoy all the perks, amenities, gifts, upgrades, and custom experiences without doing any of the work.
The top-tier in full-service, meaningful travel planning, customization, and management! This service is perfect for multi-generation trips, milestone celebrations, honeymoons, and more.
This service is perfect for custom one- or multi-destination adventures.
This service is perfect for simple, one-destination trips.
Great question!
I include planning fees upfront so I can customize a trip based on what you want out of the experience… not based on which hotel will pay me the largest commission.
A “free” travel advisor relies on booking with only accommodations that pay them the most instead of focusing on your interests, preferences, and desires.