October 1, 2024

Building Confidence in Our Kids Through Travel: A Journey of Growth and Exploration

FILED IN: Family Travel

In today’s fast-paced world, parents are always looking for ways to build confidence in their children. One of the most impactful ways we can do this is through travel. When kids experience different cultures, environments, and situations, they gain an invaluable sense of independence and confidence.

I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with my dear friend Claudia McDivitt on her podcast Boldly Living Your Everyday to talk about how travel has played a key role in shaping my children’s confidence—and how it can do the same for yours.

Travel Teaches Kids to Adapt

Travel isn’t just about seeing new places—it’s about learning how to adapt. Whether it’s navigating a bustling city like London or figuring out a new language while ordering gelato in Rome, kids learn how to manage unfamiliar situations. This builds resilience and the ability to thrive in uncertain environments, something they can carry with them throughout life.

Real-Life Learning Beyond the Classroom

Travel offers hands-on lessons that no textbook can replicate. History, geography, language—they all come alive when kids experience them firsthand. They don’t just read about famous landmarks; they stand in front of them, touch them, and breathe in the history. This gives kids a tangible connection to what they’re learning and instills a deeper understanding of the world.

Facing Challenges Together

I shared a memory on the podcast about a trip to Covent Garden with my kids. It was winter, and the snow started to fall, covering the cobblestone streets in a magical white blanket. But it was also freezing cold, and the logistics of navigating a foreign city weren’t always easy. However, overcoming those challenges together, as a family, showed my kids that they could handle anything.

Encouraging a Global Perspective

One of the most beautiful things about travel is that it broadens a child’s worldview. They learn that not everyone lives the same way they do, and that’s okay. This builds empathy, curiosity, and a strong sense of understanding that will help them connect with others in meaningful ways as they grow.

If you’re a parent looking to build confidence in your child, travel can be one of the most powerful tools at your disposal. I encourage you to embrace these experiences and watch how your child’s self-assurance flourishes with every adventure.

If you havent had a chance to check out the podcast please do so, I share some of my favorite travel tips as well as talk about why I’m so passionate about travel.

You can find that episode here

Until the next adventure, keep dreaming, keep exploring, and let the world surprise you. ✨


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